i like being alone

Being alone is still taboo and mildly stigmatised. Extroverts or outgoing people would look down on an introvert or push them to step ou...

Being alone is still taboo and mildly stigmatised. Extroverts or outgoing people would look down on an introvert or push them to step out of their comfort zone a little bit because in their heads, being alone is lonely and sad. Hence, one has to go out and surround oneself with people (even if they don't bother to genuinely ask how you are).

Certainly, there are pros and cons. However, I personally prefer being alone. Why? Because I find comfort and peace in it. How? By accepting myself and be open to my own thoughts. I don't have many friends here or do I want to -- I believe in quality over quantity as I have gone through the same old shebang of temporary friends that will eventually turn into acquaintances then strangers. I believe that you should allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts once in your life as it will help you grow by deeply knowing who you truly are and that is immensely useful, isn't it?

Whether it is Saturday night or Sunday afternoon, normally, people would go out and that's great. As for introverts, we prefer the solace of our own company. Maybe we will watch a marathon of our favourite series or read a book. What matters is we are at peace with ourselves, finally. Human nature is often difficult and complex to fathom, but to be at peace with ourselves is definitely challenging through and through -- extroverts would know as well.

Anyway, let me construct a terrible mind map or something;

being alone
understanding oneself
learning how to handle and cope difficulties on your own
knowing your self-worth and strength
quality over quantity in regards to people
being a better listener and observer
expressing notions and opinions when needed
peace and solace.

No matter how dark and brutally honest reality can be, we all end up alone in the end. Therefore, might as well use this chance to be best friends with ourselves so when the time comes, we won't go insane over aloneness and loneliness. Introduce yourself, ask questions on what you like and your goals, your deepest secrets that no one would ever know, just you. In this borrowed time, no matter your beliefs -- believe in yourself because no one else will know you better than you do. 
but what do I know?

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  1. I like this chapter of your story how you craft on those friends intertwine to strangers back and forth is always like that and the truth is : who stays ? And how long more they will stay ? This is seemingly relating to me but anyway im certain on being a nice person but I'd like to walk into your mind but no promise to when I will leave however it always depends on our chemistry isn't it btw did you draw that image and ps: I don't use punctuation in a sentence I hope you can read and we should hang out soon shall we !!!!!
