
Love has always been a vital part in my life ever since I was cursed by romance films. I tried to hide under multiple facades to shield mys...

Love has always been a vital part in my life ever since I was cursed by romance films. I tried to hide under multiple facades to shield myself from the certainty of heartbreak and loss but honestly, it never worked. Metaphors after metaphors of glass, roads, ink or whatever cliche you can come up with, I have done that to comprehend and express my plentiful emotions and today, I told a friend of mine this, "I'm at a crossroad and I have no sense of direction to reach where I am supposed to. I am lost."  Lately, the...

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Jennifer by Fazerdaze "Are you still waiting & wasting my fears/ all your time?" There is no longer a speck of emotion lef...

Jennifer by Fazerdaze "Are you still waiting & wasting my fears/ all your time?" There is no longer a speck of emotion left in me. I think I have already reached my quota. If there is a stall where I can top up, I will go there in a heartbeat. Do you know what it's like though? This fucked up mind that I have while sharing half of everything with someone who is golden? I am a fucking parasite. Disinfect me before it's too late.      Perhaps that would be the ending of my book. ...

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i'm still running away from it.

i'm still running away from it. i'm still running away from it. ...

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Kumslut; the main chick at the Drag Show DJs at a Drag Show Zaim came by for three days solely to attend Record Store Day ...

Kumslut; the main chick at the Drag Show DJs at a Drag Show Zaim came by for three days solely to attend Record Store Day First photo taken through the disposable camera Shasha getting ready for the Drag night out Exploring Pasar Seni Crowd in NU Sentral All-time favourite Malaysian band: Jaggfuzzbeats Mikey's New York Pizza -- The Best One Here Post-LRT ride in Pasar Seni; Under The Bridge Angles Bukit Bintang Pasar Seni ...

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brighter than sunshine by aqualung Recently, I was watching a movie that would fall under my list of "realistic romantic movies...

brighter than sunshine by aqualung Recently, I was watching a movie that would fall under my list of "realistic romantic movies" and it's A Lot Like Love. It made me think about love and timing. The movie depicts the art of "timing is everything" as well as how sometimes you will eventually meet one person out of the blue and there's a massive energy, charisma, passion and connection but it's not the right time. Months and years would pass and yet, you are still not together, but whenever you meet the person, it's electric, it's familiar, it's home....

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Mother used to tell her; Sit straight, smile and look your best. No, not like that Tuck your shirt in Ensure they don’t look like ...

Mother used to tell her; Sit straight, smile and look your best. No, not like that Tuck your shirt in Ensure they don’t look like second skin People talk Their wandering eyes will linger In times of aging and scrutiny through glass screens Don’t you dare be yourself, Don’t you dare wear those slacks and muddy shoes, Don’t you cut your hair above your ears. Here, Taint yourself with shades of deception Smear it along your opinionated mouth Because a girl should not do anything but To look beautiful. Am I beautiful? Do I feel beautiful? She was...

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 January 2018 “In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.”   – Aristotle I could think of many things that...

 January 2018 “In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.”  – Aristotle I could think of many things that signify something of the marvelous; the faint strokes of cotton-like clouds that sandwiches our airplane, the crying of a mere babe and a stranger making a crooked nose and distorting his mouth to calm the situation, and coming back home to recalibrate after a bad heartbreak only to find others shared the same pain but in their own ways, thus made it easier to let go and heal with people who aren’t afraid to say “it...

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dusted paperbacks of fictional reality that blurred the lines of realistic romance a collection of old 80s films sorted alphabetically ...

dusted paperbacks of fictional reality that blurred the lines of realistic romance a collection of old 80s films sorted alphabetically silly thinking of a boy putting up a boombox over his head playing my favourite song outside to convey his infatuation with screaming verses of young love aggravating the bitter skeptics who snide to the gesture circling around the record discs of sad British pop music thinking love comes in drumbeats and fast-paced guitar riffs the sound that exudes technicolour of make believe hoping someone would take me out tonight and if we die, at least we die...

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i have not come into terms with my body i look in the mirror in 180 pinching the excess of skin that i despise the itching sensation of r...

i have not come into terms with my body i look in the mirror in 180 pinching the excess of skin that i despise the itching sensation of remorse it besets my psyche forcing me to run miles and miles i run further till my knees give in till my lungs burn till the numbness comforts me i stretch my arms up high my ribs caress the skin they look like they are about to come out of my body like the ghost from a movie that crawls out of the tv my knees are bruised but i...

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